Eat and Drink in Bloemfontein

Eating out in Bloemfontein is a pleasure. There’s something for every taste. Whether you’re keen on trying out boerekos (traditional Afrikaans farm food), township fare, traditional meat and potatoes, fast food with a local twist or world-class designer cuisine, it's all there. Eating out in Mangaung/Bloemfontein is an absolute pleasure, especially if you have an adventurous palate.


Avanti in Bloemfontein

At Avanti nothing is left to chance. From a simple homemade biscotti with your imported Italian Cappuccino to our delicious homemade lamb ravioli, every part of our presentation is carefully selected for excellence.
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Eatalia Restaurant

Eatalia Restaurant in Bloemfontein

Owner, Johnny Tyropolis, had a vision to create a trendy, casual, relaxed atmosphere for parents and especially children to relax and feel safe and enjoy spending time with the family.
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New York Restaurant

New York Restaurant in Bloemfontein

This well-known and very popular restaurant was established in 1989. Since then New York Restaurant brought many friends and family together, treating their guests to a fine dine and exquisite cuisine.
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Seven on Kellner

Seven on Kellner in Bloemfontein

Simply Delicious is the first expression that springs to mind when attempting to summarize the menu fare on offer at Seven on Kellner. To Dine here is to be ensconced to a uniquely inspired little piece of heaven and tranquility.
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Stadium Fast Foods

Stadium Fast Foods in Bloemfontein

At Stadium Fast Foods we pride ourselves by using only the best quality ingredients in all our freshly prepared meals, together with friendly services to give you that true Stadium experience.
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